The grapes are all gathered by hand and put in small uniquely shaped steel carts that can reach the harvest center in just a few minutes.
The following steps are dedicated to selecting each grape to make sure only the best ones are used for vinification.
All of the phases of processing the grapes take place with nitrogen in order to avoid any possible deterioration. This helps preserve all production phases and means that the fruit remains whole, perfectly maintaining its unique qualities.
The next steps in processing the must and wine are carried out in temperature-controlled stainless steel tanks. During the entire process, which starts in the vineyard for us, the grapes, the must and the future wine are all continuously inspected and analyzed by specialized laboratories in order to guarantee constant quality. These analyses are constantly done before the wine is bottled. Further analyses take place after it is bottled, with the sole objective being to check the progress of the wine and guarantee a product that is in perfect condition for the consumer. In addition to the laboratory analyses mentioned above, during each processing phase, all of our wines – from when they are in the tanks to when they are bottled – undergo rigorous weekly tastings. They are done by experts so we can guarantee the sensorial qualities of the product the consumer will eventually drink.
Hopper for receiving grapes and vacuum press with inertization system.